Bello Bello !!
The 1st thing that i wanted to do right after saying poopaye to my -Vanishing Point- promotion was to add a new category to my blog, i call it "The Rhythm of PYG's Life" It's where I'm going to share with you some tips and advice about health food mood mental issues..etc without being too fake or superficial, I myself follow them in my daily life, it's how i rule my life, and i chose them after a long research and several failures and after testing million ways until i found the nicest ones looll!!
I want to help everyone, but only those who are really ready to change and those who are tired of living in the dark will be able to understand my words and follow my path ^^
Maybe you don't know, that i'm living like a triple life kkkkk, i need to take care of PYG and my fans, and to be a pro daily worker and a good daughter and take care of the house too kkkk (sometimes i feel like i want to run away kkkkkkk) everyday i wake up wishing for a peaceful day but everyday PYG faces a new trouble and a new problem kkkkkkk, so i do my best to fix them all without breaking down, i want to enjoy spring time so i won't give anyone the opportunity to ruin my mood, it's so fucking hard to stay positive and to fight for your happiness, to face many problems and unprofessional people at the same time. it's like we're dying slowly, but i know that this is a part of my mission in this life, i don't wish to live my life like a Bollywood movie everyday tears, everyday pain, everyday sadness, i want to be brave and to show myself that i can be who i want to be and do what i want to do without giving a fuck to what everyone says about me, so i hope that my boys and girls will do the same, people can only talk nonsense but show them actions, they criticise what they can't do so get up and show them how you make it and how you take it but you WON'T fake it ;)
While preparing for my comeback and while promoting it, and after wrapping up its promotion, i faced many many hardships, in few days i fell sick, i lost a precious part of me, i was professionally betrayed , disappointed, socially abandoned and also so underestimated, i know you think it's way too much! of course i gave myself all the right to cry and to feel down i usually mourn for 2 days then i start to ignore and forget ( i wasn't born strong, i wasn't like this in the past but i learned this after getting hurt many times) look at me, i didn't give up, i still want to write, to live, to get out, to wear colourful clothes and curl my hair and smile and enjoy spring and nature kkkkk so won't you join me? ;)
I do feel lonely sometimes when i take off all my daily masks , and i'm all alone, get no one to call or text, but i try to not give it a deep thought (i swear i know it's so hard but it's not impossible) i read random poems, books, while listening to classical music or relaxing Chinese bamboo/flute music, i use candles instead of electrify, and i drink herbals teas and always add few drops of vanilla extract to all my drinks to help me concentrate, relax ,and ease my tension, (a psychology article talked about it, and it worked for me i promise ) and i'm truly enjoying being alone it's so relaxing and i got to know myself more and more !! and when i feel so annoyed i write in my diary everything i want to say then i close it and go to sleep ^^
This is how i deal with my daily stress, my depression that i lately don't like to call it depression anymore but rather just a confusing feeling and adult issues, pressure ,cos i was just born in the wrong place but i made the perfect one for myself kkk! and the most important thing that i taught myself all these years to be able to stand up again and refuse to live as a depressed girl, is 'self satisfaction' i do have biiiiig dreams and i do wish to fly soooo high but it doesn't have to block me or make me hate my life and wish to end it up, i learned to be satisfied with everything i have today, satisfaction gives us a very peaceful feeling, your dreams are your motivation but don't turn them into a deadly poison!!
I hope these tips will inspire you, and you could try to live like i do, we don't have to befriend everyone we meet everyday, you meet them for a reason, when their mission is done in your life, you gotta learn something new and be a better you, and if you meet haters or jealous people don't let them ruin your career, especially in work place and school! cos this is where we spend 99% of our lives loll!!
Love yourself trust yourself and befriend yourself, cause yourself will stay with you until the end of your journey, be nice to yourself because no one else will do it for you ^^
*PYG's Whisper*
Before saying poopaye i want to share my newest Paulo Coelho collection that my manager gave me (i was dying to read them kkk) i started to read "Veronika Decides To Die" cos it reminds me of my life

And here an artistic pic of me ^^ cos i know you want it :p

You can email me if you want me to talk about a particular issue , and i'll try hard to share my experiences with you ^^ Take care my minions xoxosee ya soon again ;) -PYG's Whisper-