Hello everyone!!! :D
First , I should bow 90° to show my respect and to thank everyone has supported and given My Betelgeuse Supernova this amount of love and interest, I was expecting a good reaction but I honestly didn’t expect an all kill review in less than 24 hours!
You all know that I love to take my art always to a next level, I love to collaborate with various artists, and I was always dreaming of releasing a poem adaptation and once I got this good offer I didn’t hesitate to rise to the occasion.

The story that has been written by Rose Bleue, touched me as much as you , ‘cause people who know me in person , know that I'm a big dreamer , and since I was a child I had many dreams, and I remember my older sis used to tell us a bedtime story and it was always about stars and made me believe that we all got a star within us, and according to my sisters I used to look in people’s eyes and look for their stars into them , until today I still believe that nighttime deserves to be lived , and I still wonder how can people sleep and ignore this beauty, those shining stars, fresh wind, and the smell of the ground and the gentle sound of the dancing trees, like just by imagining it I feel so excited, and to be more honest I'm writing this article right now while I'm sitting comfortably around this table full of papers and colourful pens, cup of tea in the balcony and my eyes take sometimes a break from my laptop screen and flirt those beautiful lovely sexy stars!
That’s why once I read the story I cried and I couldn’t sleep well, ‘cause I had so many dreams, I still have them, but I truly don’t know how to get them, to not give up I'm trying to do my best in order to catch my childhood stars, even though it’s not like I was imagining them but at least I'm shining on my own sky, I'm being me and I'm being real to everything I do, and everyone I meet, cause our childhood dreams are so pure, so we need to walk on this road innocently, to never cheat or lie if we want to get what we are looking for, cause everything starts with a lie , won’t last forever, everything starts with no pure and innocent intension , will be forgotten easily.
Rose Bleue was inspired by his personal experience to write this story and he got something to say about it:

“As a writer of the main story “My Betelgeuse Supernova” this has always been my dream to help the readers out there to express their feelings about those who try to achieve their dreams. I know many readers want to catch them but talent isn’t enough to catch your childhood star. From my personal experience I always dreamed to be someone who can express emotions using my voice. I’m working very hard to get there, and at the moment, I’m one step near to what I’m looking for but the closer I get to my dream the more I’m getting confused. Is this the right path? Is this what I really want? Until today I still can’t find the correct answer. But I realized something important, everything we see is not as good as we’re expecting "
–Rose Bleue
Yes this is what Rose Bleue wanted to deliver through this project!

And as a poet who was in charge to make this adaptation , I proudly had the honor to choose the title of this piece, this is actually a prose poem that talks about a childhood dream as I mentioned earlier, that I referred to a Betelgeuse star, and how after many years of hardships, hard work and fights, that dream still can't reach the climax of its climb, that I described as a "Betelgeuse supernova" ‘cause astronomically the Betelgeuse is supposed to explode and to cause a supernova but no one knows when or how , and this is what happened with that kid's dream who's waiting for his supernova. It means waiting to see the fruit of all his efforts all along his journey, and as time goes by he still can’t be noticed, like the Betelgeuse in the sky, for normal people all the stars are the same they don’t focus on them or make difference either one of them is bigger, brighter white yellow or red, but for the night survivors (like me and Rose Bleue) and astronomy lovers, we stares at them deeply, and we can see clearly the difference between them,
While preparing the posters, well it took me months I tried many concepts but since the poem was still untitled I couldn’t find the right concept, one night I was documenting about the famous stars and their meaning it was just for fun, and the meaning of Betelgeuse caught my attention and I directly connected it to the poem, and it really made a sense!
Rose Bleue was so amazed by this idea and he approved it, I made sure to use every single thought and detail he wrote, I didn’t add anything from my imagination, I made sure to add some original lines from his story to the poem without any changing first to mark his emotion and effort, and also ‘cause they were too poetic and deep.
We worked hard for this project, the topic is a way too sensitive and delicate, I felt his pain and I knew all of us still keep that childhood dream somewhere inside our broken hearts, some still fight for it, some gave up and are following the pace of life , some still can’t take the first step ..But we all got the same questions, same regret same scars that’s why I didn’t want to sleep on this project even though I was planning something else before it and I'm having a very full schedule lately, but it deserved my time!
For this brave decision Rose Bleue has something to say:
“To be honest I hesitated and thought a lot before writing this but thanks to PYG’s support in terms of emotion I bravely made this tough decision to write this story. I would like to say thank you to PYG’s Whisper and her team for make one of my dreams become true. I’m inexperienced in lot of terms but they're helping me with a lot of things. I believe that writing and poetry are both connected as one and I know PYG’s poetic spirit will deliver a deeper meaning of my story. I hope that my collaboration with PYG’s Whisper will inspire you and help you ease your tension “
― Rose Bleue
Well dear Rose Bleue don’t thank me we are all riding the same ship kkkkk!

In the end, once again, thanks for all your support, thanks for loving my adaptation, thanks for encouraging Rose Bleue and made his thoughts on the top, we both are so proud of the final result and how My Betelgeuse Supernova is shining brightly all over the poetry planet!
The promotion is still running smoothly, so enjoy it ;)
Please accept our warm and deep greetings, from PYG’s Whisper and Rose Bleue!
XoXo !