Hello loves finally i'm sitting here writing passionately this article for my much anticipated project, my baby album : IRebirth: My Spoken Misery.
Honestly i lived a life that was basically dedicated into making someone's life better and brighter, I've been told that i'm not good enough not able to carry my very own future that i have to follow what they set up for me to be a good girl, but deep down i had no desire to be where they wanted me to be, i dreamed of being somewhere absolutely different and almost never existed, i wanted to create something insanely artistic not for the entire population but for those who are invisible, for me for you for nature something different from what i grew up seeing every single day on TV and now on social media, something real, but what to do if we always have to face those people who are ready to crash our confidence and smash our hope, but I've learned that hardships haters and even people who used to know you the most teach us how to turn the other cheek and create that beautiful piece that we've been missing.
I live to inspire and if i didn't say it before or enough you are the biggest part of my inspiration,
Every artist poet writer and human got their very own opinions and standards, i write things that some of you can relate to, but it doesn't mean that i'm right and it also doesn't mean that i'm wrong, i'm just slamming the truth that i lived faced and witnessed, for example some believes that sex is love some believe that love conquers sex.
If i have to quickly talk about my album, i'd say it's my life it's my blood sweat tears pain past everything that was hurting me cause i couldn't say it out loud, now that's finally released i feel free, heard and not alone.
lets move on to the main concept of this article, of course the questions you sent to me via email before and after the official release of my album should be answered !
As always i received some personal questions that had no relation with my album but i selected the most important ones.

Q1: How it felt to finally release your 1st album?
While i was coking my album, I was thrilled and every part of my body was shaking, I was so excited cause I learned new options, and I discovered new world and my creativity level was increasing, it was fun and so emotional and I was simply satisfied.
Q2: What is the main concept of the album?
Love hate anger sadness disappointment and more... They were all filling this huge whole inside my core while I was recording my album, various feelings were expressed I knew you would love it. I knew you would feel it 'cause I’m sure that you went through it before even if you are happy right now I’m sure it will remind you of that moment when you were ruined emotionally but couldn’t find the right comfort and right person with whom you can express your feelings. So yeah I was and still so excited about it
Q3: what is love for PYG’s Whisper?
Love is a sacred feeling yet so painful, Love can be beautiful, but its thorns gave birth to all the amazing and legendary artworks that we grew up loving them, and somehow inspired us to be who we are today.
Q4: what do we have to expect from your album?
IRebirth project with its 3 parts will fill up the loneliness inside your broken hearts, you are not alone, your have the right to be sad to cry to mourn your loss but after that stand up and let’s move on to the next chapter, even if we’ll get hurt again let’s taste a brand new pain let’s not make the same mistakes and learn a new lessons, PYG’s Whisper was, still and will always be with you.
Q5: what do you expect from your album and how you see yourself in the future?
I don't expect fame money or recognition i just want to comfort those who are hurting, and also comfort myself, release my anger that's also yours, i wanted to brush off this heavy weight that i was carry on all those years, and free myself from those toxic memories, and to be honest i don't want to calculate my life or plan anything for my future, i said i'm reborn so i won't look back and live under the shadow of my past, i've learned a very important lesson: i should live the present, yesterday is gone today is mine, tomorrow is a surprise.
Q6: what’s your basic belief that gave you the courage to expose your personal experiences?
We, women, exist to be an inspiration, to do our things, to live like men, to please ourselves, not to amuse boys not to satisfy any human, not to be guided, abused or controlled.
Don’t tell me don’t do this 'cause you are a woman , don’t talk about reputation tradition or life’s rules with me, I'm a rebel I don’t believe in what you set up for me 'cause I was born with a brain and I can figure out what’s good for me and what could harm me.
Some was against the idea that I go public with my struggles but I insisted 'cause it’s something common and I’ve met few girls who were so excited about this album they had the same experience and they wanted to release their anger and sadness and to show how much it hurts to play with someone’s heart it’s a crime it’s so painful! so that’s my main belief.
Q7: honestly what’s your favorite track and don’t say all of them please? And why
As I said before all of them are so dear to my heart but if I really really really have to choose one of them I’d say heal it… knife it, first I spent a longtime practicing 'cause it was hard to find the right tone and the perfect sensation The recording wasn’t easy at all I wanted it to be so sentimental and deep and I love it so much , the poem isn’t only a relationship between man and woman it’s about friendship family ship , it’s resume the social failure of my life after trusting people and depending on them then suddenly found myself abandoned and all alone then you feel so cold inside so lost really broken and hopeless, so yeah I’m sure all of you could relay to it .
Q8: which label you worked with for your album?
PYG's label lol, i did everything myself, my team was there to encourage me and validate the final tracks, they were here to manage the release on the platforms and help me with the social media promotion while i was busy promoting it with the artist i know and much more than that.
Q9: when are you planing to release the 2 other parts of your project?
I admit that i was kinda busy lately with my professional daily work and my personal life but i will surely manage my 3 schedules to be able to give each one its deserved time very quickly!
Q: A final word to your readers! (question from my team :*)
PYG's Whisper with love ^^