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My -PenPaperCouple- 's Story ^^

Photo du rédacteur: PYG's WhisperPYG's Whisper

I feel like I’m being here often, it feels good to be able to connect with you all and share my thoughts and inspire you! I'm so honored.

Today I’ll talk about PPC (Pen Paper Couple) but please note that there are some harmful words that could be inappropriate for children and teenagers. I'm sorry but I was waiting for this moment to free my heart from all this trauma, and fear, today I'm being real to myself and I'm here to show all the stupid world that I didn’t give up despite their hard work trying to destroy me.

I wrote half of this poem on my 1st anniversary, after being harshly criticized by ignorant people, yes I call them ignorant for comparing poetry world with other art form! So I swore to myself and to god that I’ll work so hard to mark my name everywhere and make my name searchable and write as much as I can, I made sure to be a modern poet, to add my special touch to show the world that poetry isn’t a dead art, not a boring art not old art. I said I’ll release this poem when I’m fully confident with so much achievement to talk about!

Right after my debut, I was called: ugly, fake, internet's robot, hacker, loser, they were saying I'm stealing others poems and using them as mine , and compared me with some Kpop idols, saying I'm not sexy and I'm not attractive cant’ satisfy their fucking animal instinct and I'm far from making them wet, I was receiving MSG saying: show me your pus** if you want to impress me/ your sick world can’t make me rub my c*ck/ save your emotions for a dead c*ck, wiggle on my face if you are a real woman! Well that’s nothing comparing to all the sexual assault I’ve faced, from those who used my voice to masturbate saying: I don’t give a fuck to what you say but keep on whining and breathing until I cum/ your voice is my c*ck’s obsession, you moan better than my wifey… but I know being unique and special with talent and passion will make dumb people so freaking jealous and frustrated.

Being sexy isn’t something that we should work hard for, we all were born sexy but there’s a huge difference between being dirty and being sexy, using this side to get fame, love and money isn’t my type. When I take either sexy or cute pictures I just enjoy myself, it’s something personal and about my daily life and I have no desire to expose or drag it into my artistic world, if I share them with my people simply ‘cause I feel so damn good about myself and I’d love to share this moment with them! Don’t forget I'm 26 and young lady and I also love to make up and dress up and look beautiful, but I know where and how and with whom! I can’t do that with PYG’s people ‘cause my mission here isn’t : show off, brag, or make everyone drool! I deliver emotions and I produce words, and I try to help those who seek help using ART! I don’t’ mix PYG with my personal life and I don’t mix my personal life with PYG! Many people around me with whom I work and communicate everyday don’t know a damn about me being a poet!

My poem, describes in the beginning my desire of being an artist since I was a child, it was my dream,

So many questions were turning around this part:

I don't need banana peach party to be cool
I wet your cheekbones nothing to do with your 'Peach John'
I’m a chameleon that brings down your fake soul
And streams it down on all of you
I don't sell my "I love you" s
It’s something inked deep inside my core
And I don't collect dollars
To get wild in Ibiza spotlight
I let my pen kiss your heart
Sometimes it goes insane
That’s when you realize
There’s no price for your pain!
I’m an artist who talks emotions
Not a crook that’s playing with devotion
Cheating on simplicity with frustration
Claiming fair but breaking down the whole nation
Then disguising their complexes with metal!

When I said banana peach party I was referring to porn and sexual concept that people are obsessed with these days, and I make you cry while reading my words ‘cause it touches you and I'm not interested in wetting your “peach john “(underwear brand), I was explaining that I'm having this power of breaking down all your masks and reveal your true personality and what you’re truly feeling, I was talking about my sincere ‘I love u” s I don’t act lovely or pretend that I'm so in love with you just to make sure you will buy my stuffs and scream my name everywhere, I do that for free, when you read my poems that talks about your struggles you will realize that all the dollars you spent for random things couldn’t move your heart the way poetry does! I don’t steal your money to get a better life; I connect with your hearts and feed them, this is what could make me feel rich! I don’t share things that could make my young girls feel frustrated and I talk about what I believe and I don’t sing about love while I'm the biggest liar and cheater and love hater in my personal life! I don’t fake my emotions because I breathe love and I believe in its eternity!

Artist’s mission is so big, we can’t talk without thinking, we can’t write without meaning! We are having those people who are following us, one two or 10 millions it doesn’t matter, but we should give a good example to this new generation, those innocents who are seeing hope within our souls! And if we want to play and have fun there’re many app many people around us who can share with us this passion without using innocent people’s hearts!

I want everyone to know, that helping people is something deep and holy , it shouldn’t be with interest, I do what I do with so much love and passion and this is what makes me happy and it’s helping me fighting my loneliness and depression, I love my art I love my readers, I love myself the way I am and I don’t care about anyone standards, I'm a poet not an idol, I'm PYG’s Whisper, you can find me everywhere, love me or hate me I won’t get affected anymore, stay or go it won’t kill my soul, it won’t change any fact about me, I'm just getting stronger, I'm riding my world I'm not ridden, you think I'm a loser ‘cause I'm not selling my words, ‘cause I'm not signing with any big agency?!! come'on You don’t know anything about my management group, I live my dream the way I want it to be, my team respects my art they don’t force me to do what I dislike until I get depressed and kill myself, maybe my life is running in slow motion but I'm a star in the poetry sky !

This poem is all about me being real to my art and to everyone loves and respects PYG’s Whisper! You can call it diss, but I'm dissing back who dissed me first all along my journey!

I'm so proud of myself I'm so proud of who I am!

-PYG's Whisper


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