Hey hey!!!
Today my team uploaded the official poster of my fan meeting, so you already knew that's coming up after less than 2 days.
I’m so excited to spend 24 hrs with you, yeah I’ll make sure to respect everyone’s time zone, I won’t sleep and I’ll be waiting for your messages and I’ll be replying them all with so much love .
That’s why I’m trying to work harder to finish some stuff before Wednesday comes. I wanna be 100% free to be able to spend a relaxing moment with you and to be fully focused ;)
Today I had many things to do, in and outside and I worked long hours using my computer and when I went out, the wild wind slapped my face and now I'm having a headache lol but so glad to be able to drink a warm and delicious cappuccino along with my favourite cheese cake with my manager before going home

So I wanted to share these pics with you and especially that weird pic of me taken by my manager while I was running and laughing cos I didn’t want to take a pic kkkkkk but it’s cute and natural ^^

that’s why I say :
smile and run then capture the moment as it is, positively! you will see how much life can be enjoyable even thou you still need to deal with so much troubles, but try to live the moment and forget your pain since there is a short and bright way to hurt less ^^
*PYG's Whisper*
Now I’ll relax and drink my warm caramel tea (with 5 drops of vanilla extract yummy :p ) while listening to this amazing music by YIRUMA!! and I hope that y’all had a great day and you are living so legit !!
My flowers, my babies, my little me, stay positive always^^
I love you!
Good night :*
-PYG's Whisper-