I believe that it’s been a longtime since we last met; it supposed to take just one month but it lasted 3 months, also I do know all the rumours that have been trending randomly about my hiatus here and there.
That’s true I was planning to break my silence few weeks ago, I wanted to make things clear and to stop this meaningless drama, but hell nah, it doesn’t worth my attention, to see how some people reacted to this situation, honestly made me think twice about the meaning of “fans” I think that this word is more suitable for singers, actors, actresses, models, idols, but not for poets and writers, I’d rather call those people who are so damn thirsty for poetry “ literature lovers” they know what they want from us , they know why we’re here, they know when they need us, and when we need them.
As I said before I’ve been in troubles ‘cause of “social media fans” those people who until today can’t understand me. they got used to some kind of support, they are more into visuals, fun, beauty, flawless figures and sparkly performances, but I was never into that trend, sure I'm still young and I chose the most delicate art form,and yeah, I still love to take pics and selfies and to share my daily and whatever but I do that when I feel like I'm ready to share something not to show that I'm living so legit or like some think “ having a fancy life” I do share pics or status when I feel that I have something inspiring to present along with that post, I don’t want to share a pictorial and leave people drooling or envying me or thinking that I'm a queen who got no problems no flaws, no troubles, again I want to say when I don’t feel that I'm inspired , when I got nothing helpful to say, I’d rather stay quiet, I don’t want to just mark my presence everyday by sharing stupid posts just because I'm scared to be forgotten, I don’t care about who left 'cause I’ve got so many invisible angels behind me, those who never compete to be on the top of my post’s likes , and those who give me space when I look for it, and my words still alive in their hearts everyday 'cause they know that my game of words will never die, I play with words and emotions, because I know it won’t fade or lose its value as time goes by. And of course everyday new people will come over and the number doesn’t matter to me as long as I'm being an inspiration for some people I will keep on moving on with them.
I won’t say anything about what I’ve been up to lately, 'cause it doesn’t have any relation with PYG’s daily life, it was all about my very personal life, but sure I’ll proudly say that I'm making 2 poetry comeback this month, and I'm preparing many cute and lovely events for “MY LOVERS” I won’t be using “Fans” anymore and I’ll make sure that my team won’t use it again lol
My upcoming project is my pride, cause it’s a collaboration with a short story writer, it was my dream to make a complete adaptation o f a short story written by an official writer, where i don’t change anything I only talk about everything has been written and said. It’s true all my poems are about peoples’ stories, but I was just getting inspired by them, 'cause I use to mix various stories that got the same concept to make my very own poetic story , but this time It was a big responsibility 'cause I couldn’t do this my way to not ruin the main story.
I worked with an amazing writer, who honestly gave me all the credits and all the freedom that I needed to make this happen, and frankly working with him is a bless, he believed in my power and he entrusted me this mission.
I’ll come back sooner to talk more and more about my new baby collaboration.
Until then please accept my warm and sincere greetings.
By the way, Forever Alive Even After My Death ;) I'm all better , I'm so fine ;)
See ya!
-PYG’s Whisper
