My slam poetry single is out now, and i can't find the right words to thank you all for streaming it everywhere and turning it into a mega hit after just 3 days !! you are the best! ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
Platonic love is the first single from my upcoming EP -IRebirth: My Spoken Misery- it’s about being so deeply in love giving your everything to your special one, trying to play the role of a family, lover, friend, soul mate and even a manager, putting yourself last 'cause nothing else mater than seeing your love comfortable and happy even if you are hurting tired and need to receive as much as you’re giving.
But this angel, whom you were devoting your life to, was basically a devil, thinking that you are a SEXTOY! in the end love was sex, just cause some perverts said love is all about bananas and strawberry juice everything came to an end! yes, many many many women were sexually harassed this way, when their husbands left them saying they want more sex than love, when girls was bullied 'cause they were reserved and didn’t want to give their virginity for fun! since I was in high school I was never able to date anyone like the other girls in college or in my city, simply 'cause I was just against the idea of skin-ship so even if I was adored by some boys it wasn’t enough to start a loving and serious relationships 'cause I wasn’t into love games and fast ones!
and last year I've been told by a famous singer who has so many fans calling him an innocent king, whom i helped and spent so many time comforting him and supporting him that i'm not loved 'cause i don't make him horny! 'cause i'm nothing! yes i was sexually harassed by my one only BEST FRIEND!
I'm 27 and I still don’t know how it feels to kiss someone’s lips !! So am i a weirdo? i'm not a woman? i'm not sexy?
-PYG's Whisper
Sex is just a game, a short moment of pleasure, we can get it anywhere even solo (YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN ) but true love is truly hard to find and to keep!

This single is a mixture of various mood, anger, disappointment, tiredness, sadness, wonder, and power and arrogance in the end, all the women got the power to make any man fall for them, women can’t be powerless, don’t mistake our loyalty for weakness ;)
Platonic love has never been released before, but the remaining tracks are also reborn like my soul.
Why? Okay i'll explain :D
Last year I used to keep my readers updated by posting daily poetry photo, just like any one who posts new selfie everyday, but I was feeling bad for them, they were so beautiful and poetic and they deserved a proper promotion more than just sharing them on my social media, that’s how I came up with the IRebirth idea, I wanted to rebirth these lines and give them a new soul, I mixed those with the same background story and concept, I tried to remove add and fix some words and lines to give birth to these short poems with a brand new soul and same emotions.
IRebirth the pain that I was given my entire life because I want everyone to know that we are all dealing with the same frustration, I want everyone to know that the pain is also an inspiration, this pain gave birth to my first baby album.
So we can create something beautiful in the ugliest environment ever.
-PYG's Whisper
I won’t give much detail about the two other parts yet ( My Scribbled Misery/ In The Embrace Of Nature) but I’ll make sure to deliver every hope I revived that once was smashed. ♡
I'm not an artist who likes to be told about any rules, especially those who want to limit my imagination, art and inspiration! I make my own rules, I'm a rebel, I do things my way, so I'm taking a full control over this record, the pressure of course is present but no one is pressuring me.
I'm nervous about what's coming next but it means I do really care about it ♡
i wasn't ready to accept my bipolarity, i denied it, i did everything to hide it, saying i'm just depressed without knowing what kind of depression you're dealing with is the worst path!
cause you're about to hurt people, saying things you never meant, doing things you can't control, if you don't come clean, if you don't explain your situation no one will understand or tolerate the mess you create!
acceptance is the hardest part, madness is what come next but believe me it will be less confusing once you understand your mental and learn little by little how to live with it.
I'm a proud bipolar who is inspiring my young angels, i'm thankful to my unstable mental for giving birth to PYG's Whisper, i fell many times but i got up again, i wanted to die every day, i never knew what the hell i'm doing in this life, what the hell is happening dealing with unstoppable moodiness 24/7 but now i'm doing my best to turn this pain and struggles into something beautiful.
I'm suffering i truly do, but i'm not giving up ♡
-PYG's Whisper
To my family, my team, my lovely readers, thanks for accepting me the way i am, thanks for loving me despite being such a mess, thanks for staying by my side even though i know that i'm hard to handle, thanks for always reminding me that i'm important and beautiful the way i am even thou i'm far from being perfect, i promise you that i will always try my best to survive and live to inspire, i won't die before telling my story and how a bipolar can be such a fighter ♡
My babies, my ladies, my gentlemen I wish you luck happiness and healthy future
Life is short so live it, love is pure don’t hurt it, karma is real, don’t ignore it.
See you soon ♡
-PYG's Whisper