Autumn… winter…spring…. I'm truly sorry…
Summer thank you for helping me
PYG’s whisper is REBORN… PYG’s whisper is ALIVE…
Hello this is PYG’s Whisper ♡
It’s been a loooooog time!! I missed this moment, I truly missed you all ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
I'm here today 'cause I have a lot to say, and I'm so excited to present my BIGGEST project ever since my debut *-*
IRebirth is a project that contains 3 parts
My Spoken misery
My Scribbled Misery
In The Embrace Of Nature
My Spoken Misery is actually my first spoken word (Slam Poetry) album, after nearly 5 years since my debut I'm finally releasing my first EP…………EVERYBODY CLAP YOUR HAAAAAAAAANDS LOL !
All my projects and everything PYG has done so far are my pride and all my previous releases were and still special to me, but this one is representing realness, it’s therapeutic and artistic at the same time .
I'm a poet, I'm an artist, but I'm human too, this is the main motto of this project. I just got a special power that helps me speak for everyone in need, and since I'm just like anyone else, a person full of insecurities, flaws and worries, I have a story to tell, a story to share, a message to deliver to all the girls and boys of my generation, 'cause I know that we share the same pain, we are who we are, no one I say no one is mentally stable so no need to feel ashamed when you talk about your mental, you aren’t weak if you speak up your mind, you are weak when you fear to talk, to say what’s hurting you and faking yourself !
After all the events that happened to me last year, let’s say 2018 was an uncountable year, I can’t even describe how horrible it was!! I was receiving hate and blame and always underestimated even by one of my collaborators….yeas it happened .. :/
But I hated myself for being left, I was feeling useless and so helpless, rather than getting mad at those who betrayed me I was mad at myself and blaming her for being wronged .-. I was insane .... I know!!
There is no contradiction, when I felt hopeless and was breaking down I was always trying to avoid social media for two reasons, it was a poisonous place and it always worsened my conditions while watching those liars and fake people destroying our confidence, and also 'cause I didn’t want to say or do something while I'm not even sober or understanding my emotions, I had many young people following me calling me their role model so I had to be very careful about what I say that’s why I had to hide to protect them. but every time i got up I made sure to share my story and how I fought and still trying to cope with anxiety and to finally accept it 'cause I believed and still do that artists have a noble mission in this life, I was blessed to be who I am and to be backed up by many lovely readers who are trying to get some hope when they see that I'm a vivid example of someone who can overcome the pain.
So this time I can truly say that I was gifted a new life, I'm reborn and I dare to do what I was never able to do, this time I'm not a weak mysterious lady, but I'm still the same girl who always tried to help the world express their frustration when they were feeling confused and anxious all alone. And I'm one of them so i need to comfort myself as well.

IRebirth my spoken misery that’s for sure someone’s else misery, I made researches when I was working on my album last year, I wanted to suck more anger pain and tears from many persons who also felt the same rage, I was surprised to hear those unbelievable heartbreak stories and I was mad too to see how can a human disrespect love and friendship too and be so mean and cruel! I made sure to capture these emotions while recording all the tittles.
That’s when I felt determined, and I realized lately that the more we talk about what’s bothering us the more we get sick of it, talking is a therapy, when you talk and people react you will end up realizing that yeah nothing was wrong with you, literally it was never your fault and you did your best, so you have no regret, the pain won’t disappear sure, it still aches when we capture it but it doesn’t sting 'cause there was absolutely nothing that we didn’t do to make things work, that’s why I'm ready to release these painful feelings, the toxic past of my entire life while I'm fully sober and fine.
I was killed many times but I'm reborn ! -PYG's Whisper
All these years I’ve been fighting the demons in me, I was dealing with countless breakdowns episodes, I was trying to survive but I was also scared to show me, the real me I failed to put myself first and I failed to attract the good people in this world, I was loving the danger thinking that I was safe inside its hell but today after what I experienced while I was on hiatus, I can finally say that I'm disappointed I am not blaming myself I was not wrong. I'm proud of being a fighter a survivor, yes I'm strong cause I'm doing my best to accept me and my conditions, even thou I was never good enough in people’s eyes but I'm convincing me that i should be good enough for myself, I need to take care of me ! I realized that no one ever will love me till the end with no interests, but I'm so thankful to my family and my team for staying by my side when everyone else turned their back on me! it was a scary journey, it was unbelievable and i truly can't remember everything I experienced but i truly glad to be here again with you my lovers who were waiting for me and praying for me silently ♡ ....
What makes this project very unique is my face! Finally I'm not hiding anymore LOL

First I wanted to be surrounded by those who truly understand my art, who are thirsty to read more, listen more, feel more, but as time flew by I got what I wanted but I was scared to show me, to say this is me, for personal reasons and also I felt like all my relationships with people and fans are a vulnerable moment, that I can be forgotten at any moment, once it’s over I’ll be invisible. I was scared that once I reveal myself this mysterious charm that I had will disappear people will get sick of me, maybe won’t like me or more than that I was scared of collecting more haters than supporters...
But I’ll turn 28 this year I asked myself when will I live my youth? Why am I scared of what will happen next? This is my life my face my body why do I have to wait until someone gives me permission to share my picture or until I explain myself to the audience or until I fix my mental? I accepted the fact that I deal with a very sensitive personality I'm accepting it finally, and I’m trying to live with it to take it as a chance that was given to me to be special to do things more passionately, to create art, to invent something unique, so I won’t hate my downfalls, I’ll gladly embrace them and turn them into pieces of art, a powerful inspiration!
It’s not something simple it’s so frightening but I’m trying to make it sound possible to handle for everyone who’s dealing with the same issue, IRebirth was a project that I was preparing for since last year when I was having a great battle with myself I was devastated despite everything I went through I was half alive all alone but I am here again creating art again ready to promote and work again. so everything is possible ...
-PYG's Whisper