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A Tough Day But A Positive End ^^

Photo du rédacteur: PYG's WhisperPYG's Whisper

Coucouuuu ( it's a french greeting kkk)

How are youuuu?^^

The most difficult moment in everyone's life is when we have to deal with many things at the same time and we need to manage our moodiness following each situation that we are facing every single day :/

I love the idea of having an official website where I can talk and share my daily feelings here in PYG's Diary with those who really care about me and always cheering for me, so I’ll open it more often :D

Today as always I had a full schedule and I had an important appointment with someone, I guess you already knew that i'm coaching two cute lovely people who are actually so so lost and need to find a way to start releasing their dreams, I love to help those who are so talented and especially those who love poetry ^^ ,but sometimes things happen suddenly and it freaks us out until we lose control, so cos of some problems and work issues I had no mood to talk and I felt so useless I was so angry and not able to attend this meeting and felt like I could cry instead of consoling that person, but somehow I remembered that he was waiting impatiently for today's rendezvous and even though I was annoyed and tired but I was saying that I can at least use some tips that I taught myself to calm down my mind, while that guy is still depending on me to find his way and to learn how to accept this life and its bitterness :(

Sometimes you need to think about weak and sensitive people who are seeing their hope and future in you, we can't always be selfish and act carelessly, I know those who deserve to put them first and those who don’t, so today I felt so responsible toward him and after meeting him I felt less stressed cos at least I’m still helpful for some people , at least I made someone feel better and think positively , and honestly I will ignore my feelings and pain today, life is short and everything will be resolved slowly, so if you had a rough day like me , try to end it up doing something positive for you or for someone around who's struggling or needing you, be nice to everyone if you want to meet nice people all along your journey, follow the angel in you , sometimes the key of happiness is when we ignore our pain and help someone else and share with them our experiences, life was never easy on me and it still hits me hard but I will never stop learning and I will forever be here for everyone needs to be loved and to feel their power :*

I’ll close my diary for today with this delicious caramel crepe cake with whipped cream :p :p I broke my rules and I ate outside today cos I didn't eat since yesterday's lunch kkkk and i had manyyyyyyyy cups of coffee lol ( don't scold me kkkkk)

Click the pic and listen to the song I've been listening to while eating and on my way home, it has a deep meaning and I really hope that I will never hurt people especially my close ones^^

Thanks manager for feeding meeeeeeeeh xoxoxo

Feel free to send me your daily stories and let me know how my babies are spending their days ^^

Love you all and I will never ever abandon you even after my death my art will remain here consoling you and guiding you xoxoxo

Good night ;)

-PYG's Whisper-


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